Sunday, November 9, 2008

where's the fire and brimstone now?

oh, now, suddenly, you're changing your tune huh?

at the height of the campaign, Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota told Chris Matthews of MSNBC that, when it came to Mr. Obama, “I’m very concerned that he may have anti-American views” ... after narrowly escaping defeat because of those comments, saying she was “extremely grateful that we have an African-American who has won this year.” Ms. Bachmann, a Republican, called Mr. Obama’s victory, which included her state, “a tremendous signal we sent.”

And it was not too long ago that Senator John McCain’s running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, accused Mr. Obama of “palling around with terrorists.”

But she took an entirely different tone on Thursday, when she chastised reporters for asking her questions about her war with some staff members in the McCain campaign at such a heady time. “Barack Obama has been elected president,” Ms. Palin said. “Let us, let us — let him — be able to kind of savor this moment, one, and not let the pettiness of maybe internal workings of the campaign erode any of the recognition of this historic moment that we’re in. And God bless Barack Obama and his beautiful family.”

its so pathetic how people who peddle or belligerently believed in lies peddled by others, suddenly wash their hands off them when it suits them the most.

the only harsh words we heard from Obama was when he was condemning their harsh words. whether he won or not, he had no reason to backtrack on anything. that's how you do it, you dumbfuck politicians.

President Obama may be more than willing to bury the hatchet, and for opponents, they don't seem to regret brandishing the knives because they know they'll be let off easily. this kind of behavior leads me to believe the backstabbers will be back in full force soon, and are definitely ready to turn public opinion on Barack at a moment's notice.

i hope you have great watchdogs, Barack. taking the high ground can be counterproductive.

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