Thursday, January 1, 2009

auld lang syne

and so i say goodbye to 2008.

this was actually my year ("you rat!"), i if i go by Chinese astrology/horoscope/mumbojumbo. so every 12 years something momentous happens. or was there?

in 1984, i graduated from elementary school.
(hoooray! that means i had some form of education, and can read and write basic English.)

in 1996, i traveled to my first foreign country.
(it was China, but who cares? i rode in a gawd-damn big aeroplane!)

in 2008, i lost my Dad.
(yeah, there's that.)

i have traveled a long way and found myself right smack in the middle of an America that is in the cusp of change. i hope my children will be living in a better America, down the line.

here's to 2009, folks. another journey begins.

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