Wednesday, December 10, 2008

bad behavior

the newschannels are buzzing this week with bad behavior by some New York douchebags, starting with three NYPD officers (dubbed the 'Sodomy Cops') who were charged today for brutalizing a Brooklyn dude in a Park Slope subway station.

Richard Kern, below left, gets the most serious charge (aggravated sexual assault). is it amusing that Googling his image would result in this?

the dude on the right, is Michael Mele, who right off the bat, looks like a douchebag. turns out he's a registered sex offender and is the prime suspect in the disappearance of naive Brooklyn transplant Laura Garza, who was last seen leaving a trendy nightclub with Mele at 4 AM. if your head is screwed on straight, lady, you don't go clubbing up to 4 AM and you don't go with strange men (unless he's reaaaaaally your BFF). puh-leaze.

Mele is apparently well-connected, and will probably be gunning for all reporters and bloggers who besmirched his good name, once he's been acquitted. more specifically, he will be gunning the guys down, and then raping and killing the ladies. ahm shakin' in mah boots now.

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