Saturday, December 6, 2008

when they say 'pay', they mean it.

what does this non-title fight mean, aside from a hefty pocketful of $$$ for all parties involved?

well, maybe some national pride. the insult/payback storyline sounds like a cliched WWE script. Manny may be the only national icon the common Pinoy folk can root for.

keep punchin', Pacman. don't forget your roots. don't let the crabs bring you down. don't even run for office, for Chrissakes. you're rich, use it for the good. be an Elorde, not an Onyok or Navarette.

update: well, well, well. looks like Dela Hoya will retire bitterly. bitterly rich.

too bad my dad missed this. but maybe he didn't. he could've been watching from heaven last night.

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