Monday, April 20, 2009

TPDTA* speaks!

what? you didn't see this coming? after all the pre-season hype of me going over to the Dark Side? really?

i wish you all could have been looking at a mirror at the end of the last episode - man, that was a gas. totally hilarious. it also gave me great pleasure to kill that douchebag Larry Moss. i did him a favor. he would have gotten some blame for this fiasco anyway. he'd end up being reassigned to a desk job in the Mesquite field office. that's a fate worse than death.

Jack's been a good friend and all, and i hate to do this to him. but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. Jack had his great run, although between you and me, he should have been executed by the Chinese.

now its Tony Almeida time. its my time to shine, dammit! (that's a nice change from "dammit, there's no time!")

if you guys still want a Bauer headlining "24", well, Kim Bauer can always team up with me. you know i always had eyes for that yummy dish. i couldn't be worse than a hockey player. as a matter of fact, i can kick a hockey player's ass.

so there you go kids. there's a new sheriff in town.

(Kim Bauer, yummmmmmm....)

*the perpetually-dour tony almeida

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