Monday, April 13, 2009

yarrrrrr! its about time!

headline that would make downloaders everywhere cringe:

Pirates: Now United States Will Be Enemy Number One

wait, arent they already? you know, the RIAA, copyright infringement, and the like.

ok. kidding aside, i don't know why these assholes are mad. you do the pirate gig, you better be prepared to take hits. what, you think we'll all cry and let you do your thing? you think you're Johnny Depp and all the women will be swooning over you? just because you have 10,000 Facebook friends ...

by the way, who is conducting these interviews and why don't they just give the location of these pirates to the awesome and badass Navy SEALS who smell like roses today? c'mon guys, kick some more ass! Hollywood is waiting.


Jego said...

Yeah, talk big, Rambo. It's those same Somalis that forced Clinton to pull out US troops from Somalia after that Blackhawk Down incident. Sure it's 18 Yanks killed against a thousand Somali dead, but guess what? Theyre still there. Nyaahahahahaa!!

grifter said...

did you say Rambo? guess who's headed there right now. bring it on, never-ending horde of Somali pirates. this will be like a video game. high score!!!